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Resilient Risk Consulting

Our services

Other Risk Services

M&A - Insurance Due Diligence

Enterprise Risk Management, Risk Appetite, Tolerance and Retention

Captives and Alternative Risk Transfer Solutions

Governance Risk and Compliance

Insurance Review and Cost Reduction

Laptops and paperwork

Our independent experts can help you to assess the performance of your current insurance program, improve your cover and lower your costs. Our insurance diagnostic and benchmarking will highlight areas of improvement and our unique and comprehensive tender management process is proven to strengthen resilience while reducing premiums.

Insurance Review and Cost Reduction

Explore the services which we can provide through our partner network.

Through our relationships with our partners, we are able tailor solutions to the unique complexities of our clients. 

By blending our expertise with the capabilities of other specialist providers, our clients can be assured that they are getting the best solution at a competitive price.

Partner services


Insurance Review and Cost Reduction

M&A - Insurance Due Diligence in Deals and Transactions

Captives and Alternative Risk Transfer Solutions

Enterprise Risk Management, Risk Appetite, Tolerance and Retention

Technical evaluation of broker tender responses

Tender management services including management of broker responses and creating competitive tension to maximise cost reduction

Development of an RFP document for your insurance program

Benchmarking of your insurance program (including cost / premiums, coverage, deductible and indemnity level)

A review of your current broker and insurance program

Policy wording review, comparison and benchmarking

Insurable risk profiling and gap analysis

Validation of loss limits and indemnity levels

A review of broker performance and areas of improvement

Recommendations for changes and enhancements to your insurance program (if necessary)

Depending on your requirements, our process may include:

We are independent from all brokers and insurers. There is no need to change your incumbent broker to achieve positive results. Our process is pragmatic and flexible - we will tailor it to meet the specific needs of your business.

/ Our process


/ Key outcomes for our clients

  • Identifies areas of under-insurance and reduces exposure

  • Optimises your current insurance program, improves coverage and policy wordings

  • Compare the latest perspectives and knowledge from top tier brokers of your insurance program

  • Improved knowledge of broker remuneration practices

  • Transparent insight into broker performance and confidence in their agency

  • Insurance cost and premium reduction of 17% on average without necessarily needing to change brokers

Construction Professionals
  • Inadequate visibility of cover suitability, potential exposures and new risks

  • Uncertainty as to whether you are getting the highest performance from your broker and whether your broker is acting in your best interests

  • Losing control of insurance costs and unsure whether your premiums are competitive

/ Potential issues facing our clients

Insurance Review and Cost Reduction

Depending on your requirements, our process may include:

Our process will be tailored depending on the particulars of the deal and your specific requirements:

/ Our process

Review sales and purchase agreements (SPA) and transitional service arrangement agreements (TSA) for any insurance related issues

Assess historical, current and pending claims, including exposure assessment.

Identify and assess any under or

un-insured risks.

Review current insurance costs and identify areas of potential synergy.

Review and understand the target business, insurance and risk management program and key risks / exposures.

Assist with insurance management meetings, document review and populating project data rooms (where required)

Review any change of control clauses of impacts to current insurance arrangements as a result of the transaction (e.g. triggering of coverage changes)

Assess optimal structure of insurance program moving forward to ensure the best covers at the most economical cost.

Assess loss history and impact on future insurance placement.

Evaluate insurance purchasing strategy and broker performance (including remuneration, relationships and risk / claims management services).

Man holding a coffee
  • Integration / separation planning and execution into the buyer’s insurance program (if necessary)

  • Pre and post deal insurance services (e.g. market review, benchmarking, broker performance analysis and RFP)

  • Vendor / sell side insurance due diligence solutions (e.g. VDD report, Q&S sessions, insurance clauses in the Sale and Purchase Agreement and / or Transitional Services Agreement)

  • Buy side advisory including identification of red flags risks and value creation opportunities

/  Our insurance due diligence services

Manufacturing line
  • Rapid implementation of post completion execution plans to capture and deliver value within accelerated timeframes (e.g. engaging the most qualified broker and locking in renewal savings with enhanced coverage)

  • Unbiased, transparent and practical advice that can be relied upon by the Buyer or Seller

  • Confidence that go-forward insurance will mitigate potential future losses or claims exposures

  • Identification of exposures or retained losses which could impact financial modelling or financial statements of the target

  • Value creation through identification of potential cost savings initiatives impacting EBITDA

/  Key outcomes for our clients

Hazard Light button
  • Unable to establish the full cost of insurance and accepting the buyers view of insurance related EBITDA items

  • Placing reliance on advice provided by brokers who may have conflicting interests (whether the incumbent broker or hoping to replace the incumbent)

  • Asset impairment as a result of inadequate terms, limits and types of insurance

/ Potential issues facing our clients

M&A - Insurance Due Diligence in Deals and Transactions

Training and Development Solutions

Health, Safety and Environmental Risk Management and Solutions

Cyber and Digital

Crisis Response

Political Risk and Country Risk

Organisational Resilience

  • Risk identification and assessment

  • Business continuity management

  • Crisis readiness, response and recovery

Organisational Resilience

commuters walking across a white plaza

/ Our process

The appointment of the best reinsurers by utilising the services of an expert reinsurance broker

We will manage the feasibility study for you without any conflict of interest and with 50 years of insurance management experience.

Our tender processes will ensure the appointment of best captive manager, independent of any insurance broker, as well as

Claims will be managed by an independent expert third party claims administrator.

Figure walking down steps
  • Failure to prepare accurate financial and actuarial projections.

  • Failure to determine the level of risk the captive is willing to take.

  • Failure to understanding of all tax implications, including tax deductibility of premiums.

  • Inappropriate claims management and reserving processes.

  • Failure to avoid (1) Advisor Risk (the appointment of a captive broker or reinsurance broker who is the agent of the captive’s insurers or reinsurers) and (2) Management Risk (a captive manager who also provides broking and risk management services to the captive).

  • Failure to undertake a non-conflicted feasibility study.

/ Potential issues facing our clients

Office showing laptops and workers
  • Independent expert reinsurance broking will provide the Best Value reinsurance cover.

  • Independent expert captive management

  • Well-defined strategic objectives.

  • An appropriate feasibility study, including financial and actuarial projections, and budgets.

A successful captive setup process which includes:

/ Key outcomes for our clients

Captives and Alternative Risk Transfer Solutions

/ Our process

Benchmark risk retention options to determine the Best Value for money.

For each risk category identified the organisation expresses the level of risk it is willing to take – facilitated by our experts.

We will help develop a risk advisory statement which will express the strategic objectives, including purpose, vision and values of the organisation.

Actuarial determination of the risk retention options, which offer the Best Value for money.

  • The development of a clear statement of the broad risk categories to which the organisation is exposed.

  • The risk categories identified will be comprehensive and reflective of the risks to which the organisation will be exposed in the normal course of its operations,

  • A clear understanding of the level of risk the organisation is willing to take for each category is developed.

  • Actuarial determination of the risk retention options, which offer the Best Value for money.

/ Key outcomes for our clients

  • Management does not know the organisation’s boundaries for risk taking.

  • The organisation may be over-insured wasting valuable risk capital.

  • The organisation may be under-insured facing unexpected financial losses.

  • Difficult to make informed decisions in relation to the achievement of the organisation’s strategies and goals.

  • The organisation’s risk appetite may fail to clearly articulate the amount and type of risk it is willing to take in pursuit of its corporate objectives and goals.

/ Potential issues facing our clients

Enterprise Risk Management, Risk Appetite, Tolerance and Retention

Construction professionals in high-viz jackets

Boards, Audit and Risk Committees as well as key stakeholders, demand rigorous risk frameworks and governance solutions. Our risk and compliance solutions can be tailored to ensure your organisation has the most appropriate, efficient and effective governance and compliance framework without overburdening your organisation’s operations.

Governance, Risk and Compliance

If your current insurance arrangements are not meeting your risk transfer needs, or are too expensive, our experts can help you determine whether a captive or mutual structure might be an appropriate alternative.


Discover our services here.

Captives and Alternative Risk Transfer Solutions

Paradisal Beach and villas

We can help you define your risk strategy, including a holistic review of your risk appetite and tolerance levels, which assists to determine your organisation’s optimal risk retention versus risk transfer strategy

Enterprise Risk Management, Risk Appetite, Tolerance and Retention

Dials and Gauges

Please contact us should you wish to discuss or require further information on

any of our partner services.

Transactions are critical, high-risk situations and errors can be costly. Our insurance and deal experts can help you de-risk your sale or acquisition and create ongoing value from your insurance programs.


We are not an insurance broker or insurer and can provide you with the critically needed independent advice.

M&A - Insurance Due Diligence in Deals and Transactions

Chess board an player

Explore our additional offerings:

  • Loss modelling

  • Claims management advice and assistance

  • Business Continuity

  • Expert witness services

Other Risk Services

Two Dice rolling
busy high street at night
  • Managing political and country risk

  • Strategic advisory

  • Regulatory and economic risk monitoring

  • Market entry/exit risk assessment

Political Risk and Country Risk

  • Kidnap, extortion and threat response

  • Product recall response and recovery

Crisis Response

speeding ambulance vehichle
  • Cyber security and online threat intelligence

  • Cyber security risk profiling

  • Cyber security incident response

  • Cyber protection and security auditing

Cyber and Digital

cyber security professional
  • Workers Compensation risks

  • People risk Solutions, including well-being programs

  • Health insurance

  • Environmental risks, identification, management and /or transfer

Health, Safety and Environmental Risk Management and Solutions

Constructing a tunnel
Reading a book
  • Duty to protect employees

  • Professional development

  • Capability to respond

Training and Development Solutions

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